Monday, November 24, 2008


Top: (L to R) Alexis, Rylie, Kylie, Me, Chaunicie. We're at the basketball game.

Bottom: I was aiming for a firebird (in honor of my school), but I guess I'll have to settle for a rubber chicken. lol!

Believe me, I would post more pictures, but you know what happened last time...
I also wish I could make it look a little nicer,
but oh well. If I can deal with a rubber chicken pumpkin, I can handle a messy blog post.


Coble said...

Okay, okay - so I didn't post a million pictures.
Sad to say, I could only handle two...rather, barely handle two photos!
- Jordan

Taylor said...

Don't worry, the whole posting pictures thing gets a whole lot easier after a while.

haha, rubber chicken? It looks fine to me. =D

You guys look like you're having fun at that basketball game!!!

Love ya,