Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I hate sewage problems...

So apparently Dad didn't fix the problem with the toilet...apparently it's not just the downstairs toilet...apparently it's the whole sewage system...and apparently it's much, much more serious than he thought. I feel like we live in a cave - we can't wash our hands, and we might need to start using the restroom in a BUCKET! Ewww...
Well, at least it's a cave with a computer! :)

Change of subject...

So as a new "good-bye" saying, what do you guys think about "Ciao, amigas?"
It has a rather nice ring to it, don't you think? :)

I don't have much to say, so...

Ciao, amigas!
~Jordan~ :)

P.S. Sorry if this post grossed you guys out...

Monday, December 29, 2008

Happy New Year!

I have never talked on the phone for so long! I talked almost an hour and a half (maybe more!) with Chaunicie on the phone today. We talked about everything, from nicknames to school to ballet! I am so happy to have a good friend up here in the mountains. :)

Right now the toilets and water aren't working SO...we might have to stay the night at a neighbor's house. My dad is talking to Uncle Larry right now...Uncle Larry's a plumber, so let's hope he can help from all the way down in San Lorenzo.

So I passed all of my midterm exams with a B or higher!!! :) Hooray; I am very excited! And I passed all of my subjects for this semester with A's and one A+ (in Spanish!). I am so excited to be taking Drama next semester...which starts soon!

So what resolution are you going to make for the new year? I am going to try to remember to read my Bible every day and to practice ballet at least every other day. I'm usually not good at keeping resolutions; I'll try harder this year!

2009 - it sounds so grand, doesn't it? :)

P.S. I really think I need a new good-bye saying...so please leave a comment suggesting what I should use. Also, please comment on your New Year's resolution, if you're making one!

Happy Holidays!

Merry (Belated) Christmas, and a Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Ahh...I Love Sparkles

I am seriously getting tired of the same old-same old purple font. I think teal will be a nice, refreshing change...like when someone gets a glass of ice cold water on a hot Summer day.

Same with the background. Even though I only had the red and green reindeer background for about two weeks, it got old quickly. I love sparkles so much better!

Tomorrow is The Nutcracker dress rehearsal. I am very excited! I will tell you all about it (and the actual performance on Saturday and Sunday) as soon as possible,

Please tell me what you think of my new updates to my blog! I'd love some comments!

Oh, and in case anybody wanted to know, I have passed all of my classes with an A or higher...except Pre. Algebra. Mrs. Kobza hasn't recorded the final grade before winter break yet. I'll tell you as soon as I know!

Thank you for reading this post, if you did, as I very rarely post on my blog.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Lo Siento

Why don't I post anymore? Because I don't have time because I'm always very busy with homework because I am perfectionist that WON'T LEAVE ANY ASSIGNMENT ALONE until it is as perfect as possible.

Then why do I have time to write this post? Because I need help with science and history and English because it is too hard because it just is!

How many "because's" can you have in one post? Lots!!

It SNOWED last night and it is gorgeous outside because the ground and trees and everything is covered with snow! :) Too bad I can't play in it BECAUSE I have homework to do! We will be have flurries all day, possibly all week...hooray!!

(P.S. If anybody really cares, "Lo Siento" means "I'm sorry" in Spanish. Why didn't I just say "I'm sorry?" BECAUSE I didn't want to!!!)

Errg...I'm really just posting a whole bunch of nothing with lots of because's because I love because's today.

Rylie is now rubbing (not literally) a banana-chocolate-chip muffin in my face and saying "Look what I have!" Well guess what, Rylie??? I already had a banana-chocolate-chip muffin AND a chocolate candy. SO THERE! :)

Mom did lots of baking yesterday, so now the kitchen is full of banana-chocolate-chip-bread (and muffins) and pretzels dipped in chocolate and chocolate candy. And it looks so tempting. :)

It is midterm exam week. AAUUUUUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On Tuesday I have two tests, on Thursday I have two tests, and I have a BIG English project due on Tuesday or Thursday...Mrs. Phelan is going to decide who presents their project on each day.

What do you do with a little sister that is constantly wanting to read your blog posts AND emails? She usually is kind enough to ask, but even then she sometimes reads them anyway despite my "NO".