Monday, December 15, 2008

Lo Siento

Why don't I post anymore? Because I don't have time because I'm always very busy with homework because I am perfectionist that WON'T LEAVE ANY ASSIGNMENT ALONE until it is as perfect as possible.

Then why do I have time to write this post? Because I need help with science and history and English because it is too hard because it just is!

How many "because's" can you have in one post? Lots!!

It SNOWED last night and it is gorgeous outside because the ground and trees and everything is covered with snow! :) Too bad I can't play in it BECAUSE I have homework to do! We will be have flurries all day, possibly all week...hooray!!

(P.S. If anybody really cares, "Lo Siento" means "I'm sorry" in Spanish. Why didn't I just say "I'm sorry?" BECAUSE I didn't want to!!!)

Errg...I'm really just posting a whole bunch of nothing with lots of because's because I love because's today.

Rylie is now rubbing (not literally) a banana-chocolate-chip muffin in my face and saying "Look what I have!" Well guess what, Rylie??? I already had a banana-chocolate-chip muffin AND a chocolate candy. SO THERE! :)

Mom did lots of baking yesterday, so now the kitchen is full of banana-chocolate-chip-bread (and muffins) and pretzels dipped in chocolate and chocolate candy. And it looks so tempting. :)

It is midterm exam week. AAUUUUUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On Tuesday I have two tests, on Thursday I have two tests, and I have a BIG English project due on Tuesday or Thursday...Mrs. Phelan is going to decide who presents their project on each day.

What do you do with a little sister that is constantly wanting to read your blog posts AND emails? She usually is kind enough to ask, but even then she sometimes reads them anyway despite my "NO".

1 comment:

Taylor said...

Woah... That's a LOT of because's. =]

Now about the sister who wants to read your posts and emails... Uhm, I'm not really sure. I've never had that problem.