Monday, April 27, 2009

My Birthday Party!

Here are some amazing pictures from my birthday party.
I was allowed to invite a few friends over for my anyway, enjoy!! :)

PICTURE #1: We all played the advanced version of "house", I guess. We created a whole town with shopekeeprs, a bank, robbers (lol!), a jail, a mayor, policewoman, etc. Left to right: Chaunicie, Jordan, Mahala, Megan, Rachelle, Rylie, and Rebekkah.

Here's the next picture. I got my ears pierced & hair cut that day (before my b-day party), so here's how I look now...

I wonder if I could post a video...I don't know, let me try...okay, it works, but it's taking a very long time for load a 3-second short.

In this video, I think we were playing "Truth or Dare"; I don't know.

Well anyway, THANKS FOR READING!!!!


Taylor said...

Dear my best friend Jordan,

Happy birthday! I wish I could have been there. I miss you, and I hope you had the most WONDERFUL birthday ever! You're the sweetest person I know, and you're beautiful too. I love you, and once again, I miss you. =]

Happy birthday!


Coble said...

Jello my best friend Taylor! :)

Thank you! I wish you could have been there, too. I did have a wonderful birthday. And thank you for the compliments! I miss you, too!

Love ya,
~ Jordan ~

Caffrey said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! how do u get the side designs?

Coble said...

Thanks, Caffrey! :)
To get the side designs, visit and click on "Free Backgrounds."
Then choose your favorite one, and there will be instructions on how to put it on your blog.