Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Very Sad News :(

This is very sad news: Roxy passed away. And it was so suddenly - Rylie found her lying on our bathroom floor & she wasn't breathing.

My emotions were everywhere: I went from shocked to angry to sad to that after-sad feeling where you just feel like talking about the good times when the person or animal was alive.

Roxy had been sick for awhile, but Mom and Dad had been giving her special fluids that were supposed to help her. And she had been doing great the past few days - meowing for chicken, jumping up on the dining room chairs, curling up on my bed and purring, so this was extremely unexpected.

Roxy was the last cat to die of four that I've had in my life. (First was Kaboose, who I don't even remember because I was so young when she passed away, then was Cassie, then Sabby, and now Roxy joins her sisters and brother in Heaven.)

Death always reminds me to be very loving to my other pets. Thirty minutes or so after the incident I went downstairs to the office and gave Jodi and Brandi extra attention. They brightened me up a tiny bit: Brandi nosily chewing her favorite bone, Jodi groaning happily as she rolls onto her side.

(Sorry for the abrupt ending, but I don't know how else to end this post.)

1 comment:

Taylor said...

Roxy died?
oh no...
I'm so sorry, Jordan.
We're all going to miss that cat...